5-string Progress #7: Scroll carving

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Five-string Scroll Carving

Step by step progress

I finally got back to the five-string. Things have been hectic. The boys are in New Jersey, this week, and the daughter is back in Switzerland, so I spent today trying to carve this scroll. This is the hardest wood I have ever carved for a fiddle scroll– not in the least like Maple, which is tough, but not so difficult to carve.

I had left the scroll partially carved, and the neck roughly shaped. Pilot holes are in place. rough-cuts made to outline the scroll.

Scroll beginning
Scroll beginning

So I completed most of the neck shape and temporarily glued the fingerboard to the neck.

Fingerboard temporarily glued to neck
Fingerboard temporarily glued to neck

Then I went to work, shaping the neck and fingerboard as a unit, and continuing to shape the scroll:

scroll carving 2
Carefully carving away the excess wood around the eye of the scroll.


Scroll carving 3
Trying to work both sides the same way, so that the finished result will be symmetrical.


scroll carving 4 pegbox
Beginning the pegbox. The narrow gouge gives me more control and better penetration into the extremely hard wood.


Scroll carving 5 pegbox
Deepening the pegbox and beginning the outer fluting.


Pegbox is nearing completion.


And that is as far as I got, today.

You can see that I have begun undercutting the turns of the scroll, and chamfering the edges, but there is a long way left to go. Monday is a holiday, and I intend to spend it working on this instrument, so perhaps I will have more to show next week.

Thanks for looking.

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