Trade-ins are Welcome!
Please understand the following:
- For ANY instrument that I made, if it is still in good condition, I will offer the full original price as a trade-in value, when stepping up to another instrument whose current price is at least $3,000 more than the original one. I will not quibble, unless you have really damaged the instrument.
- For any instrument I sold (but did not make) I will offer the full original sale price (at which I sold it), in the same manner as above, with the same restrictions.
- For any instrument I did not make and did not sell I will offer a trade-in value based on what I can find out about its original price and current value and condition. If you have a receipt from another store for that instrument, and it is still in good condition, it will help a lot. This will be subject to my discretion. I have to consider whether I think I can sell that instrument. I already know I can sell the instruments in the first two categories– I have done so before. 🙂
I am not an Instrument Broker
I do not “buy” old instruments, as a rule. If you think you have found an original old master;
(a) you almost certainly haven’t, and
(b) if you really have, I can’t afford it.
There may be some exceptions, but I really don’t want to get into buying old “attic” violins, please. Read the link, and understand why. I will not offer to buy your fiddle, thus I will not be accused of trying to “cheat” you out of a “priceless heirloom”. Once in a while there are wonderful instruments that show up in exactly these circumstances, but I want to concentrate on making new instruments, and, in any case, I really am not qualified to appraise the old ones.
That being said, if you are a serious player or student, and the instrument you are trading is your daily player, and you want to step up to something better, probably we can do business.
Thanks for understanding.
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